Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Artistic Detox

It's been a while since my last post - in between I had a couple major events happen.  The first (a visit to The Farm in the Phillipines) - very positive; the second (the US election) - I am still processing.

In late October I (thanks to my gracious family) treated myself to a week in the Philipines at a Wellness Spa known as The Farm.  One and a half hour south of Manila in the mountains - lies a vegan spa in the middle of a plantation/farm.  Words I would use to describe this place: beautiful, lush, quiet, solitude, zen, peace, green, silent, calming, internalizing energy and recovery.  I close my eyes and I can feel the peace when I imagine myself there.

I actually had a week where I took advantage of their "Detox" program.   I fasted on vegetable/fruit juices, clear soups and herbal teas and supplements with complementary spa treatments for 6 days and 5 nights.  Not knowing what to expect from such a program as I have never fasted in my life - I was pleasantly surprised to come out of it feeling refreshed - in body, mind and spirit.

Artistically, the "alone" time gave me a chance to really internalize that part of my spirit. I sketched, I walked around the property enjoying the various colors of greenery and photographed.  My most favorite piece of this week were the many peacocks which are located around the property, including two white peacocks!  They were beautiful and unafraid of human visitors as I could get up very close for photos and they would just stay put!

Here are some of my sketches and photographs:

Sketch of the Ampitheatre - yoga and meditation every morning

Sketch of the Villa Yard
Palm Trees as seen from my Window
Sketch of the Healing Sanctuary Spa Pool

Fountains off the Mango Tree Lounge

The Farm - grounds and walking area 

Having a week to decompress, and just "BE" in silence offered comfort and renewal.  The Farm has many places where one can meditate and be alone.  The food served in the restaurant is vegan and grown organically on the plantation owned by The Farm itself.  Villas and bungalows are spread throughout the property so you don't even notice people when it's at full capacity because there are so many walking areas, and places to meditated.  While the fitness center and restaurant might feel crowded with 6 people, the rest of the property felt like I was the only guest.  As I was on the Detox program, I didn't really visit the restaurant and so managed to avoud any and all crowds.  Which - for an introverted artist like me felt like pure heaven.

The Mango Tree Lounge - My Favorite Place
Peacocks would sleep in the tree at night

Peacock hanging outside my room
It was a good week.  I missed my family - but as an artist - I found it very relaxing to wile away time thinking about my next potential projects, scoping out what they would require and thinking about how to combine different ideas.  As a result, I came home and prepared 5 pieces to exhibit in a bazaar that I and 3 of my fellow artists were planning to attend. - But I will hold that for my next blog post!

Peace. ART. SouL.
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