Hope Springs Eternal! Artistic Resolutions - 2017
Last year – 2016 – I hadn’t formulated my New Year’s
Resolutions until mid-February. I was
successful on 1.5 out of 3 of them. That
I can remember – because I hadn’t written them down last year.
This year, although I am still late to the game, I am
earlier than last year! And I am writing them down – as someone once said, if
you declare you are going to do something; you are more likely to achieve
it. So here goes!
In 2016, my professional goals were to publish a blog post
once per week, start to learn the use of Acrylics as a medium, work on my
Drawing skills and have an exhibition.
Well, publishing something once per week was not realistic. Consistently, I think I published once per
However; I did achieve my second goal and had an exhibition
in November. http://designfestagallery-diary.blogspot.jp/2016/10/ashok-mody-rajul-shah-indian-icons.html
It was a lot
of fun and I continue to be grateful for the support of my friends, family and
In addition to declaring my “professional” goals for 2017; I
am going to throw in a few personal ones.
Here is my list.
Publish a blog post twice per month
Develop my next series of Paintings for a future
show/exhibition to be held in late 2017/ early '18 (‘cause it just takes
that much time!)
3. Drawing! Drawing! Drawing! As in all professions, there are always opportunities for development in one or more aspects of the work - and I need to work on drawing.
Get healthy again – Lose that weight, and get
strong. Get back to a consistent workout
schedule of 3 to 4, even 5 times per week.
– I am finding that my best ideas come to me when I make the time to
work out, taking care of my physical self, the release of endorphins stimulates
my brain to think more creatively.
Family Time.
More of it – not so much running around.
Make time for “local” art holidays. Explore some new areas within Tokyo, take
photos – sketch, paint what I see.
Get better at scheduling time with Close Friends
– deepen relationships.
In the spirit of the Dalai Lama – visit one place
I have never been.
When I reflect back on 2016; I know I did a lot. Balancing work, family and community is a
challenge for everyone. Keeping in
balance is something I am always working on – and then realizing that I need to
back out of some things so I can balance better.
Starting off 2017 with a lot of positive energy as I am
almost complete with one commission and have picked up 3 new ones!
So, here’s to another year of Creativity, Inspiration and
Artistic Adventures. Wishing us all
peaceful moments…
Until my next blog!
Peace. ART. Soul.