The irony of typing this blog is that I have to "find the time" to type it! When I worked in corporate America, it was much easier to segment my time as I knew from "9 to 5" I would have the block of time to work.
In my artist life - it is not as easy to find this "block" of time; especially when one's studio is in the home! I have learned to block whole days on my calendar for painting. However; while typing into my calendar that the day is "blocked" is easy enough to do - inevitably, there is always something that comes along with which to fill the time. It can be my son's soccer game that has been rescheduled due to weather; a lunch invitation from a friend I haven't seen in a long while; or all that paperwork that has been building up.
The point is - it's not so easy. As we all know - there are never enough hours in the day. The added complication for any artist is the motivation or creative inspiration to start, continue and finish a project. This is hard. One day, I can wake up determined and enthusiastic as I run "across the hall" to my studio. Other days, I wake up (MEH!). And then proceed with all the other small items on my "To do" list that don't need to be done for another week or so.
The other task that becomes difficult is finding the time to further develop my artistic skills. Between being a mom, wife, daughter, volunteering for my sons' schools, and a painter - it is not so easy to "fit in" the time needed to expand the creative and artistic skills. Like most people, even artists have opportunity areas to improve their craft. It can be color theory, drawing, portraiture, perspective or just learning to work with a new medium, such as oil, watercolor, acrylic, gouche. So many fun possibilities!
And then there is the opportunity to just experiment, try something new - whether it be a brand new medium (such as pottery); combining different media to see how they work or don't work together to create a piece of art, learning how to make handmade paper - or just learning about the process.
Visiting museums is also another way for artists to learn from the masters and expand their creative thinking.
Luckily, I was able to recently make time for two things - visiting a local museum and a trial lesson in pottery. It was so much fun to feel the clay between my fingers as I strived to make the simple shape of a bowl or cup. It was a few hours of my day - and I had the good fortune of doing it with friends.
I was able to visit the Yayoi Kusuma museum in Tokyo. It was a wonderful experience. This Japanese artist painted from childhood. It was a way for her to deal with her mental illness of depression and anxiety. She painted a world for herself. And her love of pumpkins is highly evident.
In my next blog, I will talk about my Pottery experience!
Until then, enjoy the photos below.
Peace. ART. SouL.
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Located in Shinjuku, Tokyo
The artist's own museum building |
Hall of mirrors with Pumpkins! |
A Pumpkin sculpture in gold and pink - so beautiful! |
An up close detail of the Pumpkin underneath the sky |